Sunset engagement pictures at Mansfield Plantation, Georgetown SC

My recent couple was looking for a plantation type setting for their engagement pictures with a lot of moss and old oak trees. They got a nice quick response from calling Mansfield Plantation in Georgetown. There was a reasonable $160 charge to do engagement pictures on the plantation grounds so they decided to do the session there. I’ve done many engagement sessions in downtown Georgetown, but I’ve never shot portraits at Mansfield Plantation. I’m always excited to try a new location so I was happy to go, even with the long drive from Myrtle Beach.

The location is a bit difficult to find, Google Maps took me to a dead-end road that I think was an old back way to the plantation. If you are looking for the plantation make sure to find the entrance off of 701, there is a small plantation sign on a dirt road named Mansfield Rd where you enter. Mansfield Plantation actually turned out to be a great spot for engagement pictures. When first entering the plantation there in an old brick gateway with some ironwork lanterns that made a nice background for some pictures.  Then, a bit further in, there was a small bridge over a beautiful marsh area with long green grass and cattails backlit by the sunset. Finally, almost at the plantation house, the entrance roadway has some beautiful old trees covered in moss that arch up and over the road.

Some of my favorite pictures from the session was the couple standing on the entrance roadway surrounded by the moss-covered branches on the oak trees.  I also used some of the low hanging moss to give an out of focus foreground effect framing the couple for a few shots. I really loved the white fence with the out of focus sunset coming through the tree branches in the background. My 85mm f1.4 Nikon lens gives a beautiful out of focus bokeh effect to background lights. After the sun began setting, the soft light reflecting off the lake made for some beautiful portraits as well.  I hope you enjoy these engagement pictures, if you ever want to do your engagement pictures at Mansfield Plantation I would be happy too, just let me know!

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